Become HSA Professional
Are you looking for something extraordinary? To do something others only dream of? To help people transform their lives? If so, the HSA Instructor Training Course is for you. This course has been taught to over 3,000 leading Underwater Educators throughout the world since 1986, including Medical Doctors, and numerous other health professionals.
No other Scuba Training program exists anywhere in the world like this. The training is so unique you can't even prepare for it - you must "experience" it.
This intensive course gives you insightful theory and application as you eagerly accept the challenge of sharpening your teaching skills. During 10 Hours of interactive Lectures you and your teammates will:
- Be introduced to several disability types and acquire specialized knowledge usually found only in medical environments.
- You will learn HSA training procedures, equipment and accessibility considerations.
- The HSA Multilevel Certification, how it was developed and how to safely use it.
During 5 hours of Confined Water training you will simulate paraplegia, quadriplegia, amputee and blind diving students, performing skills that are technically problematic for these disability types. (Don't worry, we do give breaks!!!) Through these training scenarios you will learn to dive and solve problems differently, developing new skills that are needed to safely train Scuba Divers with disabilities.
During 5 hours of Open Water training you will be in a team of three, role playing as an Instructor with two students, one paraplegic and the other blind. You will rotate through all three roles. Student logistics can change significantly when disabilities are introduced into your tried and true training procedures. This training will provide you with the knowledge to make important organizational adjustments when conducting open water training and dive planning.
Instructor Training Course Prerequisites
- Certified Scuba Instructor, Assistant Instructor or Dive Master.
- Assistant Instructors and Dive Masters.
Upon completion of the HSA Instructor Training Course, Assistant Instructors and Dive Masters will be certified HSA Assistant Instructor or HSA Dive Master, respectively. For those that continue their underwater education and earn Instructor certification from a recognized diver training agency such as PADI or NAUI, upon request, they will be upgraded to HSA Instructor without further training.

HSA Course Director Training Course (CDTC)
Do you want to build upon your success as an HSA Instructor? To be a partner in developing the HSA infrastructure? As an HSA Course Director you can create a 'Handicapped Scuba Association Training Center' offering all levels of HSA Certification to your community.
An HSA Course Director (Instructor Trainer) is the highest and most trusted position in our organization. HSA Course Directors train HSA Instructors, developing 'in them' an understanding of disability types, the psychological adjustments people with disabilities must make and how scuba diving can help. You will train our Instructors in the special skills, and equipment, required for divers with disabilities to safely and comfortably Scuba dive. And just as importantly accessibility considerations, how to determine if a classroom, pool, open water or dive destination is accessible.
As an HSA Course Director you must have a thorough understanding of the HSA Physical Performance Requirements and Multilevel Certification. You must be capable of properly using this specialized system for certifying Scuba Divers. This enables HSA Course Directors to teach HSA Instructor candidates how to safely train, assess and certify Scuba Divers with disabilities.
HSA Course Directors must also understand and be capable of training HSA Instructor candidates in all of the HSA programs; Introduction to Scuba, Skin/Snorkel Dive Certification, Open Water Scuba Diver Certification, Advanced Scuba Diver Certification and the Dive Buddy Course (DBC).
Your Course
- One on one in depth Power Point CDTC lectures covering ITC/DBC Lectures.
- You will organize and teach an HSA ITC/DBC with supervision. [Instructor Training Course (ITC)/Dive Buddy Course (DBC)]

In Depth PowerPoint CDTC Lectures
Your Course Director Trainer will go through the entire ITC/DBC Power Point Presentation and Instructor Manual (Academics, Standards and Procedures) covering every detail, including content and purpose. You will learn:
- How to use the Power Point lectures to develop your own credibility, the credibility of HSA, and empathy for people who have the various disabilities covered.
- How the HSA Certification system works, develop an understanding of the HSA Performance Requirements and how to teach this system to Instructor candidates.
- Develop an understanding of accessibility issues, overcome barriers, dive boat use and how to teach this to Instructors & Dive Buddy candidates
- How to conduct HSA ITC/DBC confined and open water skill evaluations, why these skills were chosen and how to use them to develop Instructor Teaching Skills & Dive Buddy Assisting Skills.
- You will deliver ITC/DBC select lectures to your Course Director Trainer in a one to one setting.
Organize and Teach an HSA ITC/DBC with Supervision
- You will plan the ITC/DBC, including lecture room, confined and open water facilities, and recruitment of the Instructor/Dive Buddy candidates.
- You will teach the ITC/DBC under your Course Director Trainer's supervision. Each day will be followed-up with discussions on what happened that day, and planning for the next day
- You will administer and correct the HSA ITC/DBC Exam.
Prerequisites for Course Director Training Course
- HSA Instructor in good standing.
- Scuba Diving Instructor for a minimum of two (2) years.
- Certified a minimum of twenty (20) Open Water Scuba Divers, with or without disabilities.
- Teach one (1) HSA Open Water Scuba Courses.
- Certify one (1) HSA Open Water Scuba diver with disabilities.
Recommended Additional Experience
- Certify one (1) HSA Advanced Scuba diver with a disability.
- Teach one (1) Dive Buddy Course.
- Coordinate and supervise overnight Scuba tours for divers with disabilities.
- Conduct a Resort Evaluation.